One Collective Elgin

Une Para Transformar Elgin

with collaborations that solve problems


Elgin, IL

The Problem/El Problema

“Disconnected,” “lack of unity,” “isolated,” “prejudices,” “divisive,” “territorial.” These are some of the most common phrases people used to describe Elgin over the past year.

This disconnection has led to all kinds of problems — a housing crisis, issues with human trafficking, young people who are disenfranchised, businesses that are struggling.

Looking at these problems, we have a choice — continue to live this way, or rally together and make a change.

“Desconectado”, “falta de unidad”, “aislado”, “prejuicios”, “division”, “territorial”. Estas son algunas frases comunes que la gente utilizó para describir a Elgin durante el último año.

Esta desconexión ha dado lugar a todo tipo de problemas — una crisis de vivienda, problemas con la trata de personas, jóvenes que están marginados, negocios en apuros.

Al considerar estos problemas, tenemos una opción — continuar viviendo de esta manera o unirnos y hacer un cambio.


The Solution

La solución


What happens when hundreds or thousands of people come together to solve problems? A community unites with a set of shared goals. When we have a shared goal, we align our resources, empower community members and organizations, and build systems of accountability. That’s what people who are a part of One Collective want to see. Our mission is to build trustworthy collaborations, facilitate the creation of common goals, and equip people and organizations with a shared network of resources.

One Collective is already working to bring together social services, faith communities, business leaders, education experts, government employees, and community members to collaborate to solve issues of homelessness, human trafficking, community disunity, and youth disengagement.

  • The Summit for Housing and Homelessness of Summer 2021 brings together community members, crisis services, business leaders, government employees, social services, faith communities, and people under housing disparities to form a consistent and united plan for our community

  • Through generous support, financial contributions have been made to establish a youth counseling center

  • A strong and mutually beneficial collaboration to support people involved in human trafficking has come together, joining local counseling centers, law enforcement, churches, and Naomi’s House

Are you looking to find your place at the table and join the work to solve problems? Come and find your seat.


Plan comunitario

¿Qué sucede cuando cientos o miles de personas se reúnen para resolver problemas? Una comunidad se une con un conjunto de objetivos compartidos. Eso es lo que la gente que forma parte de One Collective quiere ver. Hay tremendas fortalezas en nuestra comunidad — la población Latina está llena de potencial para desarrollar liderazgo y recursos. Transformaría la comunidad si los Latino/as fueran invitados y empoderados para hacer un impacto. Las iglesias locales están llenas de recursos y voluntarios dispuestos que necesitan estar conectados


  • Resolver la crisis de la vivienda

  • Luchar contra la trata de personas

  • Involucrar a nuestros Jóvenes


  • Alineación de recursos

  • Empoderando a los Latino/as en la comunidad

  • Unificación y despliegue de iglesias locales

Y, en los próximos 5 años, hemos desarrollado un plan para hacer exactamente eso.


Change starts with you.

El cambio comienza contigo

Elgin Church Points.jpeg


Housing and Homelessness


Human Trafficking

Unity and Equity