One Collective Elgin

 Casework Command Center


At the beginning of 2022, we launched a space for collaborative casework between human service organizations, volunteers, and city employees. This is our digital space where we work together to collaborate on how to best help people who are in the most vulnerable places move from one step to the next. Before this group gathering — each organization was case-working these folks in silos — often unable to get the next resource or duplicating the same resources.

The Casework Command Center has worked on creating a by-name list of people experiencing homelessness to create better plans to care for people without duplicating services. This has helped create a more efficient and effective way to care for the people experiencing homelessness in Elgin.

Currently, there are 16 organizations that have signed on to be a part of the command center. Although this sounds like a simple initiative — it is very complicated to execute. It involves tracking down and maintaining agreements between each organization, each caseworker, and each participant. It also involves coordinating each meeting, ensuring that participants follow protected information laws and maintain forward momentum while navigating a wide variety of agendas and personalities.


Regardless of whether or not an individual participates in collaborative casework, the by-name list allows us to keep more accurate numbers and prioritize individuals for shelter and housing. The Casework Command Center will continue to lay the foundation for a collaborative solution toward ending homelessness in Elgin.

As we move forward, we are continually refining a system that works efficiently and effectively in helping people access the services they want and housing. The Command Center plays a central role with the goal of establishing a 24/7, year-round emergency shelter.